Category: Web Novel

PMZ 087 – The Magic of the Waltz

I had accidentally misspoken, and I tried to find an excuse immediately. People with a careless nature eventually become good at making excuses. You can even...

PMZ 085 – Understander

“…do not want.”   Hayato’s answer was “No”.   I felt relieved, but also somewhat disappointed. It’s a feeling I’m already familiar with.   “I see. Okay then.”   I...

PMZ 084 – I was kind of at my limit.

So I managed safely finished teaching class 2-A and went on to freshman class and end today’s teaching.   I collected the re-written report from Hayato during homeroom...

PMZ 082 – Imbalance

2-B’s class ended there, followed by 1-A and 2-C. 2-C was the worst of the bunch and I had a hard time dealing with them, but...