Monthly Archive: March 2021

PMZ 087 – The Magic of the Waltz

I had accidentally misspoken, and I tried to find an excuse immediately. People with a careless nature eventually become good at making excuses. You can even...

bu bu busyy week

ah let’s start with my rant (lol) First of all, my house almost collapsed, no kidding lol, the roof literally almost fell on my head, so...

PMZ 085 – Understander

“…do not want.”   Hayato’s answer was “No”.   I felt relieved, but also somewhat disappointed. It’s a feeling I’m already familiar with.   “I see. Okay then.”   I...

PMZ 084 – I was kind of at my limit.

So I managed safely finished teaching class 2-A and went on to freshman class and end today’s teaching.   I collected the re-written report from Hayato during homeroom...

PMZ 082 – Imbalance

2-B’s class ended there, followed by 1-A and 2-C. 2-C was the worst of the bunch and I had a hard time dealing with them, but...